60th Anniversary


主题Theme :甲子沧桑水木清华建筑不朽  Being lmmortal with Architecture over Sixty Years of Vicissitude

                       同仁砥砺走向世界再塑芳华  Create More Glory by Going to the World Under Encouragement

时间:               2018年 10月 Time:  Octerber,2018

地点:               清华大学大礼堂  Auditorium, Tsinghua University

                       清华大学艺术博物馆  Tsinghua University Art Museum

                       清华大学建筑设计中心楼  Architectural Design Center, Tsinghua University  

                       清华大学建筑学院  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

主办方:            清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司(THAD) 

                       Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University

                       清华大学建筑学院(SA,TU)  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

战略合作媒体:  清华大学《住区》杂志、《世界建筑》杂志、ArchitectureDaily

                       Strategical Collaborating Media: Community Design Magazine World Architecture Magazine

60th Anniversary



清华大学在 1958年成立了清华大学建筑设计研究院,成为其建筑教育和学术研究的实践平台,并服务于刚刚建立的年轻共和国的发展建设。2018年,清华大学建筑设计研究院迎来了 60周年华诞。在这一甲子的岁月中,清华设计院与国家一起经历了社会与经济发展的起伏转折,成为了中国现代建筑设计演进的见证。值此清华大学建筑设计院建院 60周年之际,清华大学建筑设计研究院和清华大学建筑学院共同举办“清华建筑设计实践 60周年 -清华大学建筑设计研究院建院 60周年暨 2018清华设计学术周”活动,邀请中国建筑界的各方人士与机构共襄盛举,通过一系列的展览、论坛、讲座和出版等活动,回顾自身的发展历程,与建筑界一起反思和总结 60年来中国建筑设计事业的进步,分享建筑设计的研究、实践与思考,以期继续为祖国的发展服务,为建筑学术和实践进步服务。

Tsinghua University established the THAD in 1958 for purposes of providing a practice platform for its architecture education and academic research as well as serving for developments and constructions of the newly founded China. In 2018, THAD welcomes its 60th birthday. In the past 60 years, THAD has accompanied China through vicissitude during social and economic developments and witnessed the evolution of China modern architecture design. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of establishment, THAD and Tsinghua University hereby jointly hold the activity “60th Anniversary of Architectural Design Practice of Tsinghua – THAD 60th Anniversary & Tsinghua Design Academic Week”, inviting all parties and institutions from the architecture community to celebrate together. Through a series of activities such as exhibition, forums, lectures and publishing etc., it reviews the development history of THAD, rethinks and summarizes together with the architecture community the architecture design progress of China over the 60 years, and shares studies, practices and considerations on architecture design so as to proceed to serve developments of China and progresses of academics and practices of architecture.

60th Anniversary


甲子沧桑水木清华建筑不朽/    /同仁砥砺走向世 界再塑芳华/

1958年 7月 24日,清华大学建筑设计研究院滥觞于水木清华。其前身,可溯至1952年3月以梁思成为主任委员的清华大学、北京大学、燕京大学三校调整建设计划委员会和 1953年 5月以蒋南翔为主任的基本建设委员会下属的设计科。设计院成立初期,参加设计的是来自相关学科的老师和同学,是当时国内高校最有影响力的土建设计院。

六十载沧桑1958年 7月 24日,清华大学建筑设计研究院滥觞于水木清华。其前身,可溯至1952年3月以梁思成为主任委员的清华大学、北京大学、燕京大学三校调整建设计划委员会和 1953年 5月以蒋南翔为主任的基本建设委员会下属的设计科。设计院成立初期,参加设计的是来自相关学科的老师和同学,是当时国内高校最有影响力的土建设计院。

六十载沧桑砥砺,清华大学建筑设计院历经“大跃进”创建初期、文化大革命停顿时期、改革开放发展时期和 21世纪新时期,在一个甲子的岁月里风雨兼程、艰苦创业。六十载春华秋实,清华大学建筑设计研究院参与了十大建筑的奇迹,奠基了“产、学、研”的高校设计院之路,在一个甲子的峥嵘岁月里薪火相传、弦歌不断。



甲子轮回,春秋流转。六十年的年华里,从 1958年国庆十大工程、第十一届亚运会拳击馆,到 2008年奥运会体育场馆全部知识产权的北京射击馆、柔道跆拳道馆,从北京菊儿胡同旧城改造、中央美术学院迁建工程、杭州雷峰塔重建,到西藏布达拉宫雪城斋康珍宝馆保护维修,从南极的中山站工程、国家会展中心,到 2022年冬奥会与冬残奥会项目,清华建筑享誉神州大地。在国际间的交流与合作中,同法国、美国、日本、德国、澳大利亚、韩国以及中国香港等十几个国家和地区的高等学校、科研机构、设计单位和业主建立了良好的合作关系。

千帆竞波,百舸争流。在清华大学建筑设计研究院迎来 60周年华诞的日子里,我们依旧自强不息、艰苦创业、严谨求实、辛勤耕耘、不断创新、追求卓越,继续与清华大学共进,伴伟大祖国前行,再塑芳华。

THAD was established in Shuimu Tsinghua on July 24, 1958. It can be traced back to the design department of Adjustment Construction Planning Committee of Tsinghua University, Peking University, Yanjing University, and the Basic Construction Committee under the leadership of Jiang Nanxiang in May 1953. During the initial stage of the design institute, the teachers and students who participated in the design were from related disciplines. It was the most influential civil engineering design institute in China at that time.

Vicissitudes of the six decades witnessed Tsinghua University Architectural Design Institute’s early stage of the establishment in the "Great Leap Forward", stagnant period in the Cultural Revolution, development period in reform and opening up, and new stage in the 21st century. It pioneered an enterprise with painstaking efforts in a cycle of sixty years. In these six decades, THAD participated in the miracles of top ten buildings, laying the foundation for the design, institute, and research institutes of colleges and universities, passing the torch and keeping its glories.

The enduring undertaking stems from the entrepreneurs who blazed a trail and the immortal architecture belongs to the architects of Shuimu Tsinghua. Though four seasons and thousands of changes, generations of architects, engineers work together, pioneering and enterprising, from construction, planning, design, to consulting, consultants in six decades to achieve a leap of a cycle of sixty years; Tsinghua’s spirit on architecture can be found in a field of engineering, culture, sports, human settlements, commerce, medical care, national defense and other fields.

THAD leads the era by a cycle of sixty years, and joins with peers to open another page in the future. In the past 60 years, it has been at the forefront of the subject area, focusing on the social difficulties and difficulties. Under the guidance of the spirit of "Self-Discipline and Social Commitment", the architecture pioneers learned from others, pursued excellence, marched with peers and other people, and devoted to seeking. With sixty years of accumulation and nourishment, theory and methods has been innovated, business and field expanded. It is meticulously crafted, modest and sincere, united and harmonious, as a result, it won the "the contemporary Chinese architecture 100 famous institutes", "national architectural design industry Integrity unit and many other honors. It has write down a brilliant work by keeping advancing forward and leading the construction industry.

Swift fly the years. In these 60 years, THAD has been well-known in China, from the 1958 National Day Ten Projects, the 11th Asian Games Boxing Hall, to the 2008 Olympic Stadium, the Beijing Shooting Range and Judo Taekwondo Hall with all intellectual property rights; from the Beijing Jv’er Hutong Reconstruction of the old city, relocation of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, reconstruction of the Leifeng Pagoda in Hangzhou, protection and maintenance of the Xuecheng Zhaikang Treasure Hall in the Potala Palace in Tibet; from the Zhongshan Station Project of the Antarctic, the National Convention and Exhibition Center to the Project Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic in 2022. As for international exchanges and cooperation, THAD has established cooperative relations with higher education institutions, scientific research institutions, design units and owners in more than ten countries and regions such as France, the United States, Japan, Germany, Australia, South Korea and Hong Kong.

Thousands of sails compete, the first must be the hardest. In the 60th anniversary, we are still striving for self-discipline, pioneering with arduous efforts, being rigorous, pragmatic, industries, innovative, and pursuing excellence. We will continue to work with Tsinghua University and proceed with the great nation to create splendid glory.

60th Anniversary


现代版 LOGO强调现代建筑的几何感,通过对正方体的立体叠加,形成了“60”这一数字,寓意清华建筑设计实践 60周年的主题。立方体作为一种柏拉图形体,代表建筑设计和建筑形体的基础;而建筑形体的叠加和组合,既代表着建筑设计实践的延伸和广度,也象征着由建筑单体的集合形成的城市与社会。清华建筑设计实践正是在一个个建筑单体设计中,逐渐编织着一部中国现代建筑与城市发展网络,为中国的城乡发展和社会进步服务。

The modern version LOGO emphasizes the geometric sense of modern architectures, which forms the number “60” by means of three-dimensional superposition of cubes, implying the theme of the 60th anniversary of design practice of Tsinghua. As a Plato form, cube represents the foundation of architecture design and architecture form, while the superposition and combination of architecture form not only represents extension and scope of architecture design, but also symbolizes cities and societies as collectively formed by monomer buildings. It is in one after another designs that the architecture design of Tsinghua gradually weaves a development network of modern architectures and cities of China and serves urban-rural developments and social progress for the nation.

怀旧版 LOGO的色彩搭配和线条,象征着 1950年代中国建筑设计界从“社会主义民族形式”到工业化与标准化的设计思潮变化。一方面古典与传统韵味犹在,另一方面已经有了形式与色彩上的简化与抽象。LOGO的上半部分色彩丰富,象征着建筑学术和实践的丰富性:红色代表着创作激情,蓝色代表学术理性,黄色代表开放与交流。LOGO的下半部分主要由清华大学建筑设计研究院的中英文名称组成,以清华主题色紫色为背景基调,象征着清华大学建筑设计院作为承载清华大学 60的年设计实践和学术思想的平台。LOGO的视觉中心是 “60”两个阿拉伯数字,同时对于丰富的色彩做了整体褪色处理,寓意着清华设计院一甲子的实践历程。

Color matches and lines of the nostalgic version LOGO stand for the change of trend of design thought of the architecture design community of China in 50s, which was from “socialistic nation form” to industrialization and standardization. On one hand, classical and traditional charms still exit; on the other hand, it realizes simplification and abstraction of form and color. The colorful upper part of the LOGO symbolizes the richness of theory and practice of architecture: red represents the great passion of creation, blue represents academic rationality, and yellow represents openness and exchange. Lower part of the LOGO is mainly composed of Chinese and English names of Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University (THAD), in violet (subject color of Tsinghua) background, symbolizing that THAD is the platform bearing 60 years of design and academic thoughts of Tsinghua University. With the Arabic number “60” being the visual center of LOGO, overall color fading is applied on aforementioned rich colors, which implies the 60 years of design of THAD.

60周年华诞 会议议程



THAD 60th Anniversary & Tsinghua Design Academic Week

&nbOpening Events Overview



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