2017 清华设计学术周
Design Wisdom
Design requires wisdom.
Design produces wisdom.
Design is wisdom.
Design requires wisdom. Design produces wisdom. Design is wisdom. The physical and material environments of today, as well as meanings they are carrying, have exceeded any imagination at the beginning of the industrialized society. Design plays a significant role in this tide. It is now one of the critical propelling forces behind economic and social development, continually pushing the human practices into new frontier.
Design is a creative work, an intellectual work, and a pleasant human activity of mind and practice of higher level. Architecture and city are the carriers and results of design wisdom in our daily experiences. The exploration, experience, practice, knowledge, history and culture embedded in design activities and products are demonstrating the rich contents and complex dimensions of design wisdom.
本届清华设计学术周以“设计智慧”(Design Wisdom)为主题,试图以符合时代需求的眼光来审视当下建设行业的真实面貌,发掘未曾探索过的设计本质与社会潜力,为中国建设行业的自我反思与自我超越发挥一己之力。清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司和清华大学建筑学院作为主办方将通过本届设计周,从实践、研究和思考等方面,邀请中外各领域的专家和学者,以论坛、展览等丰富形式,为观众呈现一幅全景式的中国当下设计实践图景,奉上一场思想交锋、经验交流的学术盛宴。
This Tsinghua Design Academic Week takes Design Wisdom as the theme, trying to look at the current construction industry's true face in a way that meets the needs of the time, exploring the unknown design essence and social potential, thus to make contribution to the self-reflection and self-transcendence of China’s construction industry. Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University and School of Architecture Co, LTD, Tsinghua university will invite Chinese and foreign experts and scholars from practice, research, thinking and other aspects through this session of design week, to present the audience a panorama of China’s current design practice and an academic feast of exchange of ideas and experience in the form of forum, exhibition etc.
Hosts: Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University,
School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
主题 Theme:设计智慧 Design Wisdom
Time: November 16th –November 22th, November 24th, 2017
Auditorium,Tsinghua University, Architectural Design Center, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
Selected Works Exhibition of Ministry of Education Excellent Survey and Design Award